Happitude Blog

What Reflection Has Taught Me About Gratitude

It is said that hindsight is 20/20. That saying sums up what I have learned in my life about Gratitude. So many times I cursed my “misfortune” only to learn in the long run it was a Blessing in disguise. My early life was marked with defeat and frustration about being unable to be successful…

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How Can He Be Unhappy? How Can She Be Happy?

Quite a few years ago I knew two people who defied logic for who should and should not be happy. The reason for both had to do with one thing and one thing only, their life approach to Gratitude. First there was a physically healthy young man in his 20’s. He was straight and had…

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Losing A Friend Who Will Live On In Me

This week I went to the funeral of a dear friend who passed at the way too early age of 57. There are people in your life you have an instant bond with that carries on everyday even if you may not live near or see each other much. He and I would always give…

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Bringing Light Into Darkness

On December 17, 2007, I began a journey into darkness that continues to this day that I hope G-d Willing will last all the days of my life. Once a week I visit all fellow Jewish patients at The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP) along with an oncology floor, Rhoads 3 where I…

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